Photo Essay

By Jacob Edelstein

35 degrees Celsius surrounded humidity you can chew, Argentina was really hot. Choripán, sausage that you better not call a greasy sausage for fear of offending the institution of Choripán, the food in Buenos Aires is world class. And so much color, I have never been to a city that is more colorful than the capital city of Argentina, Buenos Aires. 

As I reach back into my visceral memory, I find that this trip to Argentina has stored the smells and sounds and culture of a country whose people define its existence. We met with leaders and philanthropists, teachers and filmmakers, students and people trying to answer the questions that have plagued Argentina’s struggle with corruption since the word go. What these individuals had to say was insightful but, as I walked through the city, nearly 30 blocks a day, I learned just as much from the walls. 

The street art culture is prevailing and vibrant in the capital. From massive full structure murals to spray painted phrases on the corner, the paint and the people use their infrastructure as canvases from which to speak. These works of skill and thought give all those who can see a window into a subculture, and a slice of the truth on the unabashed minds of a few Argentine people. Following are eleven of the most powerful examples of this consciousness I encountered. Street artists like NOS claiming their city with pictures, the political comic book character El Eternauta painted under a street sign, a plea to remember the victims of state terrorism Nunca Mas, and beautiful pictures whose real meaning we may not ever know. Buenos Aires is stunning its history lives on its walls. Please Enjoy.

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